Join The Investors Network To Connect With Likeminded Folks Looking To Invest In Projects Like Yours.
Our main course shows you the exact strategies we've used to attract investors, but I'm not going to lie to you... it takes work. It's a lot of effort.

I created the Investors Network to do the heavy lifting for you. 

It's like a social network where you can connect with likeminded, aligned investors that actually care about people and the planet. 

These are folks that I have personally talked to or gotten to know.

We get a lot of people that reach out and want to create a homestead, retreat centre, farm or community (or mix of all of the above)...

They have the money, but not the time. 

So if you have the time and want to make it happen, it's a win-win.

But what do investors get? What do they want in return? 

Every investor is different, but in return for investing they usually want one or multiple of the following:

1. A safe self-sufficient place for them and their family
2. A vacation cabin property 
3. Share in cash flow from the economic drivers on the land (which we teach you how to create in our courses)

Which is totally fair, because they're taking a risk by investing. 

For someone like me, who grew up in basement suite rentals in poor parts of town with my mom, it didn't make sense that someone would give what I perceived as "so much money" for so little in return. 

The thing is... it's not that much money to some people. This is true for MANY people actually.

Money is far more abundant than most people realize. 

And it's WELL worth it to them to have a safe self-sufficient place they and their family can go, or a vacation property. 

For some, they'll do it just for the "cool factor" so they can tell people they co-own an off grid property.

Which is totally fine with me! Haha

By the way, when we take investment we do 2 very important things:

1. We keep majority ownership and have a shareholders agreement in place (we'll teach you how we've done it)

This means that we have control of the land, what we do here, what we build, what business activities we do, whether we keep the land or sell it, etc.

The same as if we were the only owners.

2. We keep buyback rights (which we'll also show you)

This means you can buy the investor out in the future if you want to, and become a full owner. 

This way, you can actually look at taking an investment more like taking a long-term loan. 

How would you buy them out? You could use the economic drivers you'll build into the property to pay for it. 

We don't want to buy our investors out because they're awesome and we enjoy working with them.

But we have that option if we ever wanted to use it.

What can you use investors for? 

- To buy land
- To build infrastructure on the land
- To create a business or economic drivers on the land to create cash flow
- To expand on any of the above

You can use this if you do not own land and want to.

And you could use it if you do own land and want to build on it or expand. 

The Investors Network package isn't JUST connecting you with people who are interested in investing. 

It is also a private service where you get 1-on-1 support.

Here's how it works:

1. You can view potential investors profiles 

2. You submit your pitch deck, business plan, and financial projections (which our course and business plan package help you create)

3. I send you a video of me reviewing your business plan, financial projections, and pitch deck personally and recommend any tweaks or improvements (aka I help you communicate your vision to investors)

4. You do a round of tweaks or improvements (if necessary)

5. Then I send your plans out to our list of potential investors, and put it on the networking platform for them to see

6. If they are interested, they can contact you directly and you can chat!

And continue the conversation from there!

Where do we find these investors?

We have two methods... 

1. They find us and ask to join

2. We actively search for aligned people that are interested in projects like these. We actually invest quite a bit of money into finding these people for you... from detailed ads, to personal reach-outs, to investing in high level mastermind groups around the world to do the networking for you.

Then I personally talk to these people to see if they're aligned.

Using those methods, we've spent over $45,000 putting this together and networking on your behalf (high level mastermind events are expensive).

And we bundle it up in one nice package and offer it to you.
The fact that they are aligned people is super important.

We do not take investment from people who are not aligned with us.

We were in conversation with a very wealthy crypto currency token founder for a 45 million dollar deal... 

It's a lot of money, but we decided we would never take that money, because they wanted to build a resort. And we wanted to build a home.

No amount of money is worth changing who we are and how we want to live our lives.

Our visions did not align, and our personalities didn't either. 

We only partner with people that have a similar vision for the project, a similar outlook on life and the state of the world, and who care about people, the environment, personal health, family, and the things that we value. 

So, if you're looking for money and don't have investor connections, this may be for you.

Here's What You Get With The Investors Network

  • Access To The Investors Network Profiles: View your potential investors profiles including their name, photo, bio, background and social links (depending on what they've provided or how private they want to be)
  • Personal Profile That Investors Can View: Submit your info and we'll create a profile for you including your name, photo/video, social links, your plans, project, and documents that potential investors can view anytime
  • Personal Review Service (Dedicated Video) Of Your Business Plan, Pitch Deck, & Financial Projections: Submit your plans and documents and Jaymie will personally review them, and send you a video with any recommendations, tweaks, or improvements before they are sent out to the Investors Network
  • Direct Email To All Potential Investors: When your plans are ready your pitch deck will be emailed to the investors network
  • ​​​​Video Lessons On How To Get The Best Results: We also go over how these documents are used when presenting to an investor, what you can do to stand out, how to communicate your vision, next steps, etc.
  • ​​​What About Agreements, Contracts, Corporate Structure, Negotiations & More? Our course already covers all of this and provides examples! Head there to get more info.
  • ​Unlimited Access: You get unlimited access to the network.

Important Note: We Never Take Commission

  • We Do Not Take Commission: This is not a brokerage service, we never take commission or payment from investment deals. The Investors Network is simply a network to connect you with likeminded people that want to invest in projects like these, with the added service of reviewing your plans to make sure they are presented to the best of your ability for highest results.

Take Action Now, Achieve Your Vision Faster, & Save $$...

Personally, I've used crowdfunding to attract investors. 

I've done this 3 times successfully, and each time between 2 and 5 investors have reached out to me. 

Each time I have accepted an investment offer and kept majority ownership.

This is great! But...

It usually takes me about 3 months of intense work to run a successful crowdfunding campaign. 

I'm talking full-time, 10+ hour days, 6 days a week.

And just because I've done it successfully every time (and I'm sure you can too, and the course shows you how!) doesn't mean that connecting with an investor is guaranteed. 

The Investors Network does. And with more potential investors.

So if you're looking for funding, if you're curious about the options it might make available to you... 

If you value your time (our most limited and important resource)... 

And want to give your project the best chances of success...

I created this Investors Network for you.

I Got These Messages About It...

Join The Investors Network With The Order Form Below...

---- Step #1: Contact Details ---- 
First Name:
Last Name:
Email Address:
Phone Number:
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Street Address:
State / Province:
Zip Code / Postal Code:
---- Step #3: Credit Card Information ---- 
Credit Card Number:
CVC Code:
Expiry Month:
Expiry Year:
$497 every year
$47 every month
Here's What You'll Get:
  • Access to all our Pre-vetted like-minded Investors
  • Videos and written instructions
  • ​All future updates
  • ​Knowledge to address unique scenarios and situations and increase your value
  • All your money goes into the land to make the Earth a better place, we do not take salaries. This is our life's mission.
"I want to thank the both of you from the bottom of my heart. You and Shelby are so amazing and this movement wouldn't be as easy or possible if it wasn't for your knowledge and doing what you do to teach others. We need you and the world needs us all to come together. You're both an inspiration!"

- Brandon G. Kelowna
"This was more than I had hoped for or expected, I feel confident moving forward pursuing my vision knowing that I have the tools and support from these guys. Everything they taught had massive value. Grateful to experience this course and their presence."

- Jacen M. Burnaby

We'll Pay You $2000 Money-Back Guarantee

If you implement EVERYTHING I show you, and don't see a change in your life or business, I'll not only refund you - but even give you $2000 for wasting your time. 

Secure Processing

Each order is processed through a secure, 256-bit encrypted payment processing gateway to ensure your privacy.
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Copyright 2022 - Azhen Sanctuary, All Rights Reserved
REFUND POLICY: Out of respect for us and our value, this is confidential information and once you access it there are no refunds. It's not fair to us that someone uses the information and then asks for a refund. This is a very fair value exchange as is.

CURRENCY: Sales are in USD. We are an international business, most of our clients are in the US, we work with US-based team members, and are expanding to physical locations in the US and abroad, so it only makes sense that operate in USD.