Get The Exact System We Used To Buy 160 Acres And Build A Homestead, Retreat, Farm And Cabin Rentals That Make 30k/month... Starting With No Money

Watch My Free "How We Did It" Video + See How This Has Worked For Other People Too

(Bonus ending Friday, October 25th: I've got 3 Free Gifts for you to choose from on Step 2)

I recorded a video (it's free) to show you the exact systems we used to buy 160 acres and make $30k/month, which...

...paid to build our homestead, retreat centre, regenerative farm, and community (and to retire).

This is for you if you want to exit the "rat race", be self-sufficient, live in alignment with nature.

Or to own land, make money with it, and build a legacy.

Over 4500 people are doing this right now across the US, Canada, Australia, Europe, Costa Rica, Mexico, & more

We offer step-by-step guides, an online community, land tours, a course and financial help.

STEP 1: Get Your FREE "How We Did It" Video Instantly + Claim Your Free Gift Before It Ends

On the next page you:
1. Get A Free Video With Actionable Info On How We Did This (No Time Wasting)
2. Can Choose From 3 Free Gift Options
3. Can Sign Up To Get Step-By-Step Guides
4. Can Book A 1-On-1 Call To Get Help With A Real Human

These folks started with no money and raised funds within 30-90 days after taking the program to buy their dream properties.

Ruth was generating an income from her land within 30 days after taking the program so it can pay for itself!

This program changes lives.

This Off-Grid Project Was Born Because Of Broken Systems...

Because of a society that lacks real community and leads to poor mental health; food that's actually synthetic crap; and weather events like wildfires and floods happening more and more often.

We won't even get started about politics or what you see on the news... it's a crazy time to be alive.

We created our sanctuary and lifestyle for the sake of our physical health, mental health, environmental health, and health of our communities. 

And to provide a beautiful new way of living for future generations.

Imagine eating beyond-organic food from your own soil, going for a river float, and then watching the sunset on your own mountaintop... not to mention the wood-fire saunas.

And spending more quality time with people you love, and guess what...

You have an automated economic engine that pays your bills.

THAT is the off-grid dream! We believe that you and your family deserve this same opportunity.  

That's why we show you how we did it and what we've learned, with actionable systems and step-by-step guides.

The same knowledge that about 3200 other clients are using to achieve this.

We have clients who bought land and are now designing and building; some who are still in the funding stage; and clients that previously owned land and are using the course to build it out.

I should let you know that we started this journey with no land, practically no money and poor credit ratings.

So if we can do it, if so many others are doing it, so can you. How? That's what I'll tell you on this page and in the free video on step 2.

We bought 160 acres and our own mountain in only 3 months (in Rock Creek, BC), including land hunting and the process of finding partners and money to buy the land and build on it.

We kept 70% ownership and 100% control and have access to interest-free loans from our investment partner.

We also kept buy-back rights so we can buy them out in the future and effectively think of the investment as more of a longterm loan.

Another example... Last month we helped a client secure 173 acres in Washington State from an old farmer, with no downpayment, and cash-flowed the property to pay for itself.

We were feet-on-the-ground for just 7 months to have basic infrastructure, and nightly rental stays that generate up to $30k/month. 

And they're managed by our caretakers (aka passive income).

With 5 star reviews in every category and reviews about changing people's lives.

We have our basic buildings up, hydrotherapy spas, gardens,  animals, and a residency/community program of helpful like-minded people who help build and manage.

All just in our first year!

Your life can change in under a year and this course will show you how.

How ordinary folks can have a truly extraordinary impact, while living a life that feels aligned to you.

How to get it to pay for itself so you don't need to wait 10 years of working a day job. 

It is absolutely necessary to have real world examples that are working right now (not a bunch of YouTube videos).

Real action-oriented guidance gathered from experience is what we provide. 

Here's What You'll Learn In This Program

Learn the step-by-step strategies to hone your vision, plan, buy land, cash flow it, and build it into your dream successfully in the easiest, fastest timeframe possible.

1. Finding Funding And Creating A Funding Plan

  • Learn 11 different funding options including partners, investors, donations, crowdfunding, financing, banks, loans, credit, family & friends, joint ventures, and more (*remember, we started this with almost no money and relatively poor credit*)
  • ​Our business model and funding system (that's worked for us every time, 6x in a row, and over 715 clients are now using)
  • ​Our system to create value, decrease risk, keep majority ownership, and keep buy-back rights
  • ​Our communication system for using your vision to attract people to your project (In our first year we were donated ~$60,000 worth of items including a sauna, teepee, Airbnb stays, golf cart, tools, and more, without even asking!)
      Shelby and our friend Jesse hanging out in our 10 person wood-fire hot tub with a view of our mountain

      2. Clarify Your Vision & Have A Solid Plan

      • Learn our 4-step vision system to hone in on what you want and how you'll get there
      • ​​Discover new opportunities and massive realizations of what's possible
      • Customize our systems to suit your needs
      • Have a 1-on-1 call to bring it all together
      • ​Guides to create your plan and make it solid and credible (or optionally use ours, pre-filled out, exactly they way we used it to create our project and get funded, just customize it to your needs)
          Hosting a healing retreat in our teepee with Elders Vern & Mumsie Shanoss of In-SHUCK-ch Nation

          3. How To Find & Buy Land & Making Sure It's Right For Your Needs

          • Key elements to look for in land and what to watch out for to make sure you get land that works for your needs (see some of our crazy stories about why this is so important on step 2!)
          • What your land assessment process needs to include
          • Land zoning, pros and cons, governing bodies
          • Purchasing options, what to expect, and different ways of setting it up legally and financially
          • ​Options to utilize the land to help cover it's purchasing costs
              The view from our lookout point. Elevation and terrain can create difficulties, but the  sure makes for gorgeous sunsets!

              4. Plan Your Economic Engine & Passive Income On Your Land

              • Our system for deciding what you want and creating a plan that requires the lowest input (low effort, low cost) for the highest gain (high return, easy to automate)
              • ​Creating a good relationship with money & using it as a tool to create your vision (money is just a common denominator for creating value, we show you how to create high value for the world and communicate it effectively)
              • ​The fastest ways to get cash flow
              • The "Wow-Factor" System that attracts guests, clients, caretakers, renters, partners and/or investors
              • The most affordable "wow-factors" to get started fast
              • ​How to systemize and automate it so you can focus on growing your vision, or turn it into passive income
              • What to focus on first, what to build (or who to partner with)
              • Real time financial numbers & data that's working right now
              • Personalized business & marketing strategies for your vision 
                  The evening patio vibes from our luxury wall tents that bring in up to $30k/month in rentals

                  5. Plan Infrastructure Options

                  • Water: Wells, earthworks, water catchment, water management
                  • Power: Solar, wind, micro-hydro
                  • Human "waste": Compost toilets, septic, incineration toilets, humanure, etc
                  • ​Efficient and/or necessary initial structures
                      One of our private off-grid hydrotherapy guest spas with an authentic giant wine barrel wood fire sauna, tub, and outdoor shower

                      6. Plan & Budget Your Building Types

                      • Permitting, costs and fast-track options that get around them to start
                      • ​The realities, costs, work, and pros and cons of traditional building, container homes, tiny homes, wall tents, yurts, geodomes, teepees, earthships, treehouses, hobbit homes, etc and what we recommend
                      • ​Finding good deals on materials (we had ~$80,000 worth of building materials donated or discounted in the first year)
                      • Using your own raw resources: milling timber (bandsaw and chainsaw ), clay, straw, etc
                      • Growth hacks to save a LOT of money, like how to process and use your own materials from your land
                          A sold out permaculture workshop in our guest common area

                          7. Land Design & Layout

                          • Permaculture and regenerative land design methods
                          • What priorities come first so you do it right the first time and don't create more issues in the future
                          • Learning your land design "zones" so you can begin layout and building and operate your land efficiently (this method saves 10's of thousands of hours and 10's of thousands of $$ in labour, fuel and equipment maintenance)
                          • ​​Water security planning: ponds, reservoirs and swales
                          • Land design examples and why
                          • ​The 7 elements of your wildfire defence plan
                          • ​This includes a copy of our 160 acre permaculture plan that we will be reviewing with you
                              Our little village of wall tents

                              8. System For Finding Caretakers Or Planning An Intentional Living Community

                              • Caretaker onboarding process, where to find them, ensuring they're the right fit
                              • Automating the workloads on your land to create passive income
                              • The best arrangements that work (90% of eco villages and similar style of relationships fail)
                              • ​Recommendations for leadership and management structures 
                              • Legal agreements to use and why
                                  Floating the river with friends and family!

                                  9. Food Growth & Raising Animals

                                  • The main pillars for food growth and food security
                                  • ​Discover new growth opportunities to meet your goals like geothermal and passive solar greenhouses (grow all winter even in -50 degrees celsius)
                                  • The best composting methods
                                  • Aquatic and land animal options, grazing, micro-climates, etc
                                  • ​Food and animal protection
                                  • Rebuilding soil health
                                  • ​Structures of management that are most energy and cost effective
                                  • ​​Copies and education on our full property permaculture plan (designed by a highly respected permaculture consultant Ryan Hill, we are on track to creating one of the worlds top regenerative agriculture demonstration sites)
                                      Renowned travelling chef, Mike Sonier, visited our land and created this epic farm-to-table meal. 

                                      10. Tools, Equipment & Machinery

                                      • What you’ll need most and what you don’t (we overspent a LOT on things we thought we would need but never used, and then had to spend more on things we didn't have but needed)
                                      • ​How to get free or discounted tools
                                      • ​Machinery costs, financing, brands, and pros and cons
                                      • ​Storage, theft and organization
                                          Sitting on the skidder on top of our mountain at sunset

                                          11. Community, Connections & Resources

                                          • Private Facebook and Telegram group with a community of likeminded people, group support, and group resource sharing
                                          • ​Private email list with new knowledge and resources
                                          • ​Network and partner with people doing the exact same thing
                                          • ​Copies of our plans, drawings, agreements/contracts, and more
                                          • ​Where we found the best solar kits, wood fire hot-tubs, winter greenhouses, most affordable stays (buildings and tents), stoves, etc etc (there's a large list)
                                          • ​​Where and how we've found good deals and raw materials
                                          • ​Where to find tiny house financing
                                              Connecting with real, aligned, supportive people

                                              Here's What You'll Get With This Program:

                                              • The Full Course: Everything Above & Our Step-By-Step Guides & Strategies We Used To...
                                              • ​Raise funds and buy 160 acres in 3 months 
                                              • ​Generate $30k/month from the land in 7 months
                                              • ​Automate it with caretakers so it's passive income
                                              • ​Build power, water and food infrastructure to be a self sufficient homestead
                                              • ​Build unique nightly rentals, a retreat centre, and a community of likeminded people
                                              • ​Raise our property value from $210,000 to $1.1 million
                                              • ​Even though we started with no money and bad credit
                                              • 1-On-1 Personal Consultation Call To Map Out Your Plan (Book Your Call Immediately After Sign Up)
                                              • ​Video Lessons And Instructions On how To Customize The Blueprint For Your Unique Vision
                                              • Actionable Strategies, Tips And Advice To Save Hundreds Of Thousands Of $$
                                              • Access To A Private Facebook And Telegram Group To Connect With Likeminded People Taking Real Action And Get Support
                                              • Optional Upgrades For In-Person Workshops, Personal Consulting, Our Pre-Filled Out Business Plan, And Connections To Likeminded Investors

                                              Go to Step 2 for a Free video, Instant Access, & To Book Your 1-On-1 Call With Sign Up

                                              Here's What Real People Say After Working With Us...

                                              Cali says it's changed her life in the best way

                                              Jay's buying 36 acres only 2 weeks after taking the course

                                              Tom raised money for land and infrastructure

                                              Ryan bought 160 acres and now he's designing and developing his land

                                              Jacen is looking for land in a Costa Rica

                                              Natasha from Whispering Firs was having trouble raising money before, now they're doing it

                                              Matt and Jackie had breakthroughs

                                              Beau says it's the most comprehensive course available

                                              Mike's raising funds to buy land for his retreat centre

                                              What Else Do We Offer? Make The Journey Easy & Fast

                                              There is a huge knowledge gap and skills gap in the world with how to be self sufficient and live in alignment with nature.

                                              Especially when it comes to making it financially possible.

                                              We're addressing that by creating our Academy to give you the knowledge and skills you need to make this happen as easily and quickly as possible.

                                              By taking the Off-Grid Dream Program (on Step #2 of this website) you're opening up access to this Academy of knowledge and our personal help.

                                              The Off-Grid Dream Program is a prerequisite to the several other programs and services we offer, to make your journey as easy and fast as possible, and to help you enjoy the ride!

                                              You can take these additional programs with us:

                                              (Note: You can join these at anytime after signing up for the Off-Grid Dream Program. These are available to members only.)

                                              • VIP Group | Gives You Personal Support

                                              1-2 live video calls per month with Jaymie for personal consulting in a small group setting where you get to learn from other peoples questions too and connect more deeply.

                                              He will review your plans, help assess land before you buy, negotiate with investors, and get around any blockages you're having – whatever you need.

                                              Get it for as low as $47 payments or $497 upfront (regular consulting for just 1 day is $1500-3000, but we're trying to make this affordable for everyone) | You can sign up immediately AFTER you sign up for the Off Grid Dream Program. It is a prerequisite to the VIP Group.

                                              • Business Plan Package | Takes The Work Out Of It

                                              Our business plan, pitch deck, and financial projects all pre-filled out exactly the way we've used them to create our project and get funded, with instructions on how to tweak them to make them your own and how to use them with investors.

                                              If you were to pay an 'expert' it would cost $6000 and be subpar because they don't have direct experience in a project like this.

                                              Now you can get it as low as $33 payments or $397 upfront | You can sign up immediately AFTER you're in the Off Grid Dream Program. It is a prerequisite. You need that program to understand the project you're getting into in order to best utilize the business plan.

                                              • ​Investors Network | Can Get You Funded

                                              Link up with aligned investors who want fund projects like these + get your business plan and pitch deck reviewed before submitting it to the network. 

                                              Browse investors profiles, and they can browse yours. These are aligned folks that care about the people and planet, who are not just in it for the money.

                                              We teach you the methods for attracting investors yourself, but this saves you time and money.

                                              For as low as $47 payments or $497 upfront | You can sign up immediately AFTER you get your Off Grid Dream Program.

                                              The Off Grid Dream Program is a prerequisite. We're vouching for you and we, and potential investors, need to know that you're taking the initiative seriously and that you know what you're doing.

                                              • ​In-Person Workshops | Give You The Real Life Experience

                                              Our 3-day workshops are commonly reviewed as "life changing" and cover similar material as the online course but with live demonstrations, great for synthesizing information, deep human connection, and the real life off-grid community experience.

                                              Organic, wholefood, local meals included. Luxury wall tent accommodations are available.

                                              Sliding scale pricing as low as three $537 payments or $1597 upfront | You can sign up for the online Off Grid Dream Program first and we will deduct the online course cost from your in-person workshop cost whenever you choose to come in-person.

                                              Everyone gets the online course with the in-person workshop anyway so you can come loaded with questions for the 3 day workshop and we can help you more intimately with your project.

                                              Chat about dates and options with your 1-on-1 consultation call after sign up!

                                              What People Say That Have Experienced What We've Created With Our Land...

                                              5 start reviews in every category.

                                              We chose to use a part of our land for Airbnb stays and retreats.

                                              This is one of our financial generators that pays for building out our land. 

                                              Real Support In The Group...

                                              There’s people in our group that even get together for holiday meals! That’s how tight our community is. Here’s some examples from people we’ve worked with…

                                              MEET THE BROTHERS: JAYMIE & SHELBY

                                              Jaymie with his four-legged friend and protector Jax, on their 160 acre sanctuary.

                                              Meet Jaymie

                                              At 10 years old Jaymie was sweeping floors on job sites and grew into building custom homes from the ground up with his dad and grandfather.

                                              Though a valuable skill, it also lead him to see a trap in modern society – working a job you don’t like to pay off the student debt that got you there, and to afford the house you hardly spend time in; running through life unconsciously. This made him dream of a better way to live.

                                              Jaymie experienced fights with depression and spent a year reading, meditating, doing yoga and building the philosophy by which he would live his life. He dreamed of and planned to build a homestead filled with good community.

                                              Bizarre incidents uncovered his dissociative disorder caused by childhood trauma. This was a mental health issue that had both haunted him and saved his life during the rougher moments of his upbringing. With the help of his brother, his healing journey led him back to his Indigenous heritage, ceremony, and meditation.

                                              Jaymie’s most notable business experience is operating a $60m telecommunications software business and founding Habitat Botanicals – a toxin-free bath & beauty brand with compostable packaging that was acquired by Pela in 2020.

                                              Jaymie attended BCIT’s construction electrical program and continued his interests in Physics at the University of the Fraser Valley. He strongly believes in self-education and learning through experience and mentors. As such he's an avid reader and loves to attend mastermind communities where he can level up, such as the Baby Bathwater Institute.

                                              These days you can find Jaymie roaming through the forest smiling at life or educating others.

                                              He swears the aliens will come take him home one day..

                                              Shelby building an out-door shower tower out of logs for one of our spa areas.

                                              Meet Shelby

                                              As a kid Shelby was shipped off every summer to work with his uncles. This was the beginning of his mastery of the metal trades and his talent for making you laugh until you cry...

                                              He spent the beginning of his career helping build custom $15-30m homes in Whistler, BC, and working as a boiler maker before starting RYD Motorsports where his design skill and attention-to-detail garnered national attention.

                                              A mix of partying, crappy food, lots of sugar, and the normalization of an unhealthy lifestyle combusted into severe anxiety and depression.

                                              Shelby was bed-ridden for months and couldn’t work for almost 2 years.

                                              At first he thought he could walk into a doctor and get fixed up with a pill, as most of us have been led to believe. This was the opening of his Pandoras box when it came to understanding the many broken systems in society. 

                                              His journey led him to nutrition, fitness, breathwork, mindfulness, community, and ceremony… and even believing some of the “conspiracy theories” Jaymie used to tell him about.

                                              These days you can find Shelby in the kitchen creating wicked beyond organic meals, out on weekend adventures, or training for his next half-Ironman.

                                              Shelby swears if the aliens don’t take them home one day they’ll solve anti-gravity and build a ship of their own.


                                              What countries does the work for?

                                              About 55% of our clients are in the US, 30% in Canada, and the rest are using the methods abroad in Mexico, Costa Rica, Spain, Jamaica, and more. The strategies and information are being used around the world. The biggest thing that differs is land zoning. But this can also differ from town to town. We provide you with the main things you'll find, and if you come across unique land zoning you can send it to us, we'll review it and help you, and then add it to the course so everyone can benefit from that knowledge.

                                              Can I come visit your land?

                                              Yes! We have a variety of opportunities for you to come visit us. You'll get more information and dates for tours, in-person workshops, nightly stays, and more after sign up for this blueprint package. We can also talk about it on our 1-on-1 call. This is our home and sacred space for all who live here. We do not accept walk-ins. The only way to come here is to demonstrate that you're someone we want to work with.

                                              Where are we located?

                                              We are in Rock Creek, BC, Canada. But as mentioned we serve great people around the world!

                                              How long will it take to be "successful”?

                                              This totally depends. We have clients that binge the course and work full-time on it, and others that work part time on it. We have clients that are in the funding stage; clients that have bought land; and clients that previously owned land and are using the course to build it out. Some are building private homestead, others are building full fledge communities. Everyones timelines and projects are different.

                                              I often get asked, "how long does it take to get funded?" and to that I can answer... every time I've used the strategies we teach it's taken no longer than 3 months to secure funding and get moving. Then, for us, it took 7 months to get structures up and make $30k/month from the land.

                                              And knowing what we know now... we could probably reach the same point in about 3 months if we were well prepared and planned. That's why we're here to help you. To learn from our mistakes!

                                              We have clients that have raised a downpayment and bought land in as little as 2 weeks after joining the course.

                                              What skill level is this program for?

                                              This was built for everyone. We have clients of all backgrounds, skills and experience levels.

                                              ​Is there an option for more personal help?

                                              Yes! You can join our VIP Group and get 1-2 live video calls per month with me, Jaymie, where I'll personally help you. We can review your plans, assess land, negotiate with investors, design land, overcome things holding you back, and learn from other peoples projects in a small group setting. Whatever it is that you need. This also gives you priority in the Investors Network (more on that below) and allows you to list us as consultants or advisors for your project. 

                                              How to find land?

                                              We have a system for finding land, starting with deciding what climate you want to be in, proximity to nearby towns, and then using a mapping system to hone in on the land zoning that will suit your needs. This Blueprint Package is a map that shows you our model, how to customize it for yourself, and what to do. Including some tips and tricks about finding land. 

                                              We do have an Advanced Course that focuses on skills training, including more in-depth information. It's covered thoroughly in that course. The Blueprint Package is a pre-requisite to joining the Advanced Course (more info below).

                                              How to find investors?

                                              You have two options: Our Advanced Course shows you methods to attract investors. I've raised capital 6 times. This system has worked every time, attracting 2-5 investors each time. It's ideal to attract investors (instead of going to look for them) because it will bring in likeminded people that are aligned with your vision. 

                                              Or, to make it even easier, we created an Investors Network where you can connect with likeminded investors that are directly interested in projects like these. We didn't grow up with financial connections, but we've worked hard to make connections, so let's level the playing field and let everyone get connected! More info on that below.

                                              Why would investors be interested in this?

                                              To put it short: There's a way higher return in the form of cash flow and also in land value. Millions of investors spend $1,000,000 on suburban houses every year just to get $36,000/year return from rentals. Or they could invest $1,000,000 into rural land and get $250,000/year in returns (that's what we do on average, just from seasonal short term rentals and camping, with only 5 sites). That's 7x more cash flow. And that's only 5 sites. There is MASSIVE potential for more. We have clients projecting $4m in annual revenue from their land.

                                              Now, if you 'flipped' a suburban house, you'd stand to increase the land value by about 30%. We bought our land for $210,000 and now it's worth over $1.1 million. That's a 500% increase. Our clients are averaging 300%. Comparative to other options, investing in rural land right now is simply a good investment with great returns. The main thing investors want in return are 1) share in cash flow, 2) a safe self-sufficient place to go if they needed it, and 3) a vacation cabin property. They're usually just happy to be making the world a better place. Don't be fooled. There's good people out there with money.

                                              Is it the right time for me?

                                              This is a great question... I called my partner the other day and said "If we knew what we know now, we could've been doing this 6 years ago, making more money than we did, and living how we want to way sooner." The knowledge we teach can also be applied to all other areas of your life. It's not only the best lessons I've learned for this project, but the best lessons I've ever come across in life and business. That's why we have life changing reviews. It's more than just a course. It might change your frame of thinking and lead to breakthroughs in other areas of your life.

                                              Or maybe you're waiting on something? the planning stage is the most important. It might open up financial levers and options you never knew existed. Maybe you think you can only do it in X years in the future... but the reality is, this is territory with a lot of "you don't know what you don't know". Let that sink in. I held myself back for years. I'd never do it again. That's all I know. That's why I say, the time is now.

                                              ​I want to do this but I'm waiting for someone to partner with!

                                              Then you'll probably be waiting forever. To find a partner you first want to hone in your own vision and create a plan. Only then can you inspire and attract an aligned partner that's the best fit. It starts with you. It starts with a leader. If that sounds a bit daunting or scary... that's why we teach this stuff and provide step-by-step plans! To help pave the way for you. Show someone your vision, down on paper, as a plan. And it will attract the partner you're looking for.

                                              Living The Off-Grid Dream 2022+, all rights reserved